The Corpus of Spanish in Georgia (CSG) is a collection of semi-structured interviews conducted in 2015 with members of the Latinx immigrant community in the metropolitan Atlanta area, primarily in the city of Roswell, Georgia. The interviews lasted between 30 minutes and one hour. They were informal, conversational, and addressed topics of personal history, local community life, differences between the speakers’ home countries and the U.S., and experiences adapting to life in Roswell, among others.
The corpus comprises 24 Mexicans, 4 Guatemalans, 3 Colombians, and 1 speaker each from Bolivia, Cuba, Ecuador, El Salvador, Honduras, and Venezuela (to access the interviews, click on the country name to the left, and then click on the individual subjects that appear).
Files are available for download in the following formats: mp3, doc, and pdf
LOR = Length of Residency in the U.S.
AOA = Age of Arrival to the U.S.
Speaker codes: Sex_Age_National Origin (e.g. F34Mex = 34 year-old female from Mexico)
Copyright Information
Content contained in the CSG are available under the Creative Commons 4.0 license.
University of Georgia Graduate School; Willson Center for Humanities & Arts at the University of Georgia; Centre College Faculty Development Grant
For further details on fieldwork and data collection methods, see Limerick 2018.
Many thanks to all the wonderful people in the Spanish-speaking community of Roswell, Georgia for their willingness to be interviewed and share their lives with me; to Lilian Zhu, Trevor Talmadge, Saira Carreto Romero, and Kali Hernandez Fraire for their transcription assistance; to Chad Howe for inspiring this project; and to Mary Girard for creating and making this website possible.
How to Cite the Corpus
Limerick, Philip P. 2022. Corpus of Spanish in Georgia (CSG). Available at
CSG-based Research
Limerick, Philip P. 2021. First-person plural subject pronoun expression in Mexican Spanish spoken in Georgia. Studies in Hispanic and Lusophone Linguistics 14.2. 411-432.
Limerick, Philip P. 2021. Factores motivantes en la selección de tú explícito/tácito en el español mexicano de Atlanta, EE.UU. Estudios Filológicos 67. 177-195.
Limerick, Philip P. 2021. First-person singular and third-person subject pronoun variation: The case of Mexican Spanish in the U.S. state of Georgia. Lenguaje 49.1. 104-134.
Limerick, Philip P. 2021. Establishing a variable context for lexical subjects in Spanish. Forma y Función 34.1.
Howe, Chad & Philip P. Limerick. 2020. Understanding language attitudes among members of a new Latino community in the Southeastern United States: From speech to tweets. In Spanish across domains in the United States: Education, public space, and social media, ed. by Francisco Salgado-Robles and Edwin M. Lamboy, 364-387. Leiden: Brill.
Limerick, Philip P. 2020. Interaction effects on variable subject pronoun expression in Spanish. Lingüística y Literatura 77. 274-294.
Limerick, Philip P. 2019. Subject expression in a Southeastern U.S. Mexican Community. Borealis – An International Journal of Hispanic Linguistics 8.2. 243-273.
Limerick, Philip P. 2018. Subject Expression in a Southeastern Mexican Community [Doctoral Dissertation, University of Georgia] UGA Electronic Theses and Dissertations.
Limerick, Philip P. 2017. Identity in discourse: Person-reference among Mexicans in the Southeastern U.S. Lengua y migración / Language and Migration 9.1. 85-112.